
The Rose Labyrinth

Isn't that a beautiful title? It's not mine. It's the title of the new book I'm reading. I've been saving this book since Christmas. I've looked at it on the shelf, and have been just savoring the anticipation. It's not that I know it's going to be my new favorite. I've not read anything by the author before, and I haven't read any reviews. But I can only say...it's a truly beautiful book.
The cover is perfect (yes, I frequently judge a book by its cover)...with textured paper, archival patterns and colors, and an intriguing maze set among leaves and roses. It looks old, like something I might uncover in a used bookstore, but is conversely a crisp hardcover that smells deliciously new. Even the author's name is enchanting...Titania Hardie. On the back, there are just a few simple lines: A single sheet of parchment and a silver key. A secret passed down through generations. A mystery waiting to be unlocked. The Rose Labyrinth.
I'm going to love this book. I know this...even if it ends up being predictable or less-than-literary in language. It has so many elements I love...I already know it's going to be an enjoyable read. You know, I'm the girl that read every Nancy Drew book published by the time I was nine...I can't wait to unlock this lovely mystery.
Just knowing I was starting this book today was my little happy for the day. But the bonus was reading the first chapter. The language already tells me it's not just going to be an interesting story, but has interesting language that makes you want to go back and read lines again.
My favorite passage (I know it's bittersweet, but I just love the imagery)...
Outside, everything was disarmingly peaceful. There was a late flush of wisteria scrambling over the front of the cottage. Apart from superficial signs of neglect betrayed by an uncut lawn and unswept path, the house didn't reveal the family pain that had shaped its solitude for many months. ....... Will was proudly his mother's son, emotional in his response to life and passionate in his relationships. And here, in her enchanted space, he missed her.
I hope everyone can curl up with something just as wonderful tonight. I'm off to read more...

1 comment:

  1. I judge books by their cover, too! I've found it's a pretty accurate method of judgement. :)
