
Happy for Me, Happy for You

My happy moment for the day: buying our first trees for our yard! We bought two serviceberry trees on sale at the nursery. I also fell in love with a bush. (Sometimes I develop an unreasonable attachment to a plant when I go to the nursery. When I do, it's usually not just a type of plant, but one particular one, and I feel very protective of the little thing, and have to take it home.) This one was a viburnum bush that has blooms that turn from pink to white as they open. This particular one was covered in buds, none quite open yet, small and sweetly shaped. It was perfect. And of course, I took it home.

If you haven't had a happy yet today, here's one for you. (And no, it's not a plant. But it is silly, I warn you.) Pick your clip based on your snack preference:

If you like raisins, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPP_sGuqNhI&feature=PlayList&p=E725B29ECCA1C8A7&index=4&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL

If you like popcorn, click here:

1 comment:

  1. The videos were so great. It reminded me of my daughter's first pet, a chinchilla my Mom named Chilly. She ate raisins just like that. Thanks for the happy memory.
